Vegetarian Keto Diet Guide for Beginners [Complete Keto For Vegetarians Guide] Keto Diet UK


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I give a Vegetarian Keto Diet Guide for Beginners. A vegetarian keto diet is an option for someone who doesn’t eat any meat or fish and wants to avoid sugar and starches. This video is a complete vegetarian keto for beginners guide, where I’ll explain what foods to eat and what foods to avoid, with a deeper look into the best vegetarian keto protein sources. I'll give you a few vegetarian keto diet tips, and some vegetarian keto meal ideas. Make sure you watch this video until the end to not miss anything out.

Useful Supplements:
Vollagen® Advanced Vegan Collagen
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Vollagen® Advanced Vegan Collagen – Amino Acid Complex in Ratio of Collagen – Isolated Form Aminos for Maximum Absorption – Studied Effectiveness

Vegan Omega 3 – EPA & DHA from Algae Oil
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Vegan Omega 3 – EPA & DHA from Algae Oil – Premium Global Brand – Carrageenan-Free – Sustainable Algal Alternative to Fish Oil – Vegetarian Essential Fatty Acids – UK Made Supplement (120 Softgel Bottle)

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What are the rules of a vegetarian keto diet?

You don’t eat meat, fish, sugar, and starch.

You have to limit your daily carb intake to no more than 50 grams of carbs a day.

Having the right amount of protein and eating the right types of protein.

What are some of the important things to know about starting a low carb keto vegetarian diet?

From plant-based protein sources, soya is the best in terms of quantity, amino acid profile, and bioavailability. Just keep in mind, not all soy is created equal. We have organic soya and we have GMO soy. And we have unfermented soy or fermented soy. These are very different.

I recommend staying away from GMOs at all costs.

Watch my video where I explain why is it a good idea to avoid GMOs:

You should choose organic fermented soy products, such as organic tofu and tempeh. Keep in mind that most tofu is actually unfermented but it is soaked. Which still reduces the amount of antinutrients and makes them more bioavailable.
You can follow this recipe for fermenting your tofu:

Excess estrogen from soya can increase your cancer risk.

These are the best sources of vegetarian keto protein:

Organic tempeh, hempseeds, organic tofu, pea protein, organic eggs, grass-fed cheese, chia seeds.

Then, let's look at the best low carb keto vegetables. You should aim for 7 to 10 cups of non-starchy vegetables a day. All of these are low in carbs. They'll have up to 5 grams of carbs per 100g.

The best low carb keto vegetables:

Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts, spinach, asparagus, kale, olives, and avocados, aubergine, courgette, lettuce, tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumber, green beans, celery, radish, and kalettes.

The best keto fats:

Organic extra v. coconut oil, grass-fed butter, grass-fed ghee, extra v. olive oil, avocado oil.

The best keto drinks:

Water, sparkling water, black coffee, various types of teas, and keto coffee, which is coffee with coconut oil and butter.

The best keto sweeteners:

Organic stevia, monk fruit, erythritol

Where you can get them:
Order organic liquid stevia (UK)

Organic stevia and erythritol mix (UK)

Stevia (US)

The best keto nuts:

Pecans, brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, walnuts, and hazelnuts.

The best keto fruits:

Raspberry, blackberry, strawberry, blueberry, lemon, lime, coconut, rhubarb, currants, cranberries, and lingonberries.

And the foods to avoid on a low carb keto vegetarian diet include:

Bread, rice, pizza, pasta, potatoes, lentils, chickpeas, beans, quinoa, high sugar fruits such as pineapples, mangoes, oranges, sweets, sodas, fake meat, soy milk, and vegetable oils.

My vegetarian keto meal ideas:

A vegetarian keto salad, with mixed salad leaves, a handful of walnuts, yellow bell pepper, extra v. olive oil, lemon juice, and marinated organic tofu baked in the oven. I marinated it with turmeric, herbs, salt, pepper, and garlic.


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Republished study: long-term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize

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