What is the keto diet and how to do it for weight loss


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keto diet

keto diet

Discover what is the keto diet, and how to do it for rapid fat loss. ▸ [FREE] 🔥E-BOOK: "The Keto Kickstart Guide: 4 Steps to Burning Fat Instead of Sugar" | http://www.ketokickstartguide.com

▸ 🎁FREE FASTING EBOOK: http://www.fastingcheatsheet.com
🔔 SUBSCRIBE http://bit.ly/2QE7z1B

// O V E R V I E W

📌 Keto is not a diet
📌 History of ketones with seizures, pythagorus, 1920’s kid studies
📌 Keto acidosis is not the same
📌 Burn fat vs burning sugar
📌 The cell membrane & ketosis
📌 Ketones and the brain

// T I M E S T A M P S

00:30 Surprising facts about the history of the ketogenic diet
01:30 How the romans in the 1800’s discovered ketosis to cure seizures
02:10 How the famous greek mathematician Pythagarus required ketosis before entering his class
02:35 Research was done in the 1920’s on ketosis for epileptic children
03:10 What is the difference between ketoacidosis and ketosis?
03:50 The world’s greatest healer sits within our bodies.
04:20 How ketones work at the cellular level
04:45 Ketosis and the mitochondria
06:00 How keto can help with fat loss
07:15 What is the difference between burning sugar (glucose) and burning fat (ketones)?
09:30 Why burning fat is our primal birthright. It fuels the cells and the brain. The brain loves fat!

// R E S O U R C E S

➡️The World's Best Olive Oil | Get a $39 Bottle For a $1: http://www.ketokampoliveoil.com

☕Healthiest Coffee: http://www.ketokampcoffee.com Use "ketokamp" for 10% off

➡️Keto Kamp Apparel: http://www.ketokampgear.com

🎓Want to become a keto and fasting pro? Keto Kamp Academy: http://bit.ly/2MKEkWW

*Some Links Are Affiliates*

// F O L L O W
▸ instagram | @thebenazadi | http://bit.ly/2B1NXKW
▸ facebook | /thebenazadi | http://bit.ly/2BVvvW6
▸ twitter | @thebenazadi http://bit.ly/2USE0so
▸ linkedin | http://bit.ly/2PNRh40
▸ email | [email protected]


Ben Azadi is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition – Practitioner in Miami, Florida. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a health practitioner/patient relationship between Ben Azadi and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Ben Azadi is not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site.


keto diet

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