What is the keto diet and how to do it for weight loss
Discover what is the keto diet, and how to do it for rapid fat loss. ▸ [FREE] 🔥E-BOOK: "The Keto Kickstart Guide: 4 Steps to Burning Fat Instead of Sugar" | http://www.ketokickstartguide.com
▸ 🎁FREE FASTING EBOOK: http://www.fastingcheatsheet.com
🔔 SUBSCRIBE http://bit.ly/2QE7z1B
// O V E R V I E W
📌 Keto is not a diet
📌 History of ketones with seizures, pythagorus, 1920’s kid studies
📌 Keto acidosis is not the same
📌 Burn fat vs burning sugar
📌 The cell membrane & ketosis
📌 Ketones and the brain
// T I M E S T A M P S
00:30 Surprising facts about the history of the ketogenic diet
01:30 How the romans in the 1800’s discovered ketosis to cure seizures
02:10 How the famous greek mathematician Pythagarus required ketosis before entering his class
02:35 Research was done in the 1920’s on ketosis for epileptic children
03:10 What is the difference between ketoacidosis and ketosis?
03:50 The world’s greatest healer sits within our bodies.
04:20 How ketones work at the cellular level
04:45 Ketosis and the mitochondria
06:00 How keto can help with fat loss
07:15 What is the difference between burning sugar (glucose) and burning fat (ketones)?
09:30 Why burning fat is our primal birthright. It fuels the cells and the brain. The brain loves fat!
// R E S O U R C E S
➡️The World's Best Olive Oil | Get a $39 Bottle For a $1: http://www.ketokampoliveoil.com
☕Healthiest Coffee: http://www.ketokampcoffee.com Use "ketokamp" for 10% off
➡️Keto Kamp Apparel: http://www.ketokampgear.com
🎓Want to become a keto and fasting pro? Keto Kamp Academy: http://bit.ly/2MKEkWW
*Some Links Are Affiliates*
// F O L L O W
▸ instagram | @thebenazadi | http://bit.ly/2B1NXKW
▸ facebook | /thebenazadi | http://bit.ly/2BVvvW6
▸ twitter | @thebenazadi http://bit.ly/2USE0so
▸ linkedin | http://bit.ly/2PNRh40
▸ email | [email protected]
Ben Azadi is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition – Practitioner in Miami, Florida. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a health practitioner/patient relationship between Ben Azadi and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Ben Azadi is not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site.